My trade wasn't executed on the slave account. Why?

These are some of the most probable causes:

  1. The Slave was offline when the trade was opened by the Master. In order for the Slave to process the trades coming from the Master, it needs to be online at all times. We advise the use of a VPS.
  2. Symbol mismatch. Please make sure that the trade's symbol exists on both Master and Slave MT4 platform. Be noted that Trade copier will automatic adjust the PairSuffix and/or PairPrefix.
  3. Copied lot-size is too small. Lot-size of copied trades must  NOT be lower than minimum lot-size of Slave MT4 platform. You can use Lot_Multiple to adjust lot-size of copied trades if lot-size of Master account is less than minimum lot-size of Slave MT4 platform.

Please contact us if use still can not solve this problem.

Read: 789 - Last update: 15/04/2013 21:45

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